Introducing: Mental Model Mondays

I’m excited to announce I’ve started a newsletter! Over the last few months, I’ve become increasingly fascinated by Mental Models–frameworks for thinking. Mental Models originate from some of history’s greatest thinkers, across a variety of disciplines, and are distilled into easy consumed, yet widely applicable tools for approaching problems. Well-known businesspeople from Charlie Munger (vice-chair … Read more

Book Notes: The First 20 Hours

the first 20 hours

The First 20 Hours, by Josh Kaufman, is a book about learning things quickly. It offers tactical advice on how to rapidly acquire a new skill. The first few chapters provide a lot of useful and in-depth principles for how to learn something fast. The latter chapters (while interesting) serve as appendices for how the … Read more

Book Notes: The Lean Startup

The Lean Startup

The Lean Startup, by Eric Ries, is a book about running your startup using the scientific method. Learn your target market’s demands thoroughly first, then build the first iteration of your product. Run an experiment to see how the market reacts, measure the specific results, and learn from these findings. Refine your product and repeat … Read more

Book Notes: The Obstacle is the Way

obstacle is the way

The Obstacle is the Way, by Ryan Holiday, helps put obstacles in perspective and explains how one can navigate hurdles as they come your way. It references a lot of Stoic philosophy, while also giving real-world examples and practical advice. Often, when faced with obstacles, one’s instinct is to avoid them. This book argues that … Read more

Book Notes: The Dip

the dip

The Dip, by Seth Godin, is a fantastic quick read that helps you decide when you should quit something, or when you should stick with something. Many struggle with this decision when they face a phenomenon this book calls “The Dip”. The Dip is a struggle or learning curve you experience when taking something on. … Read more