Love the Rough Spots

For something really worth doing, the rough spots, the challenges, are what makes something rewarding in the end. Learn to love these obstacles. If you don’t, reconsider if this is the right passion or project for you to continue pursuing. Whatever your passion is, you need to love both the good and the bad that … Read more

Critical Mass

When we continuously perform a habit, accumulate knowledge, or invest money, we enjoy the benefits of compound interest. The more we do it, the more it compounds. We continuously complete a habit, we get better and better at it as we practice more. That’s compound interest. When we learn, we deepen our understanding of a … Read more

Stop Doom Scrolling with iOS Screen Time

It happened two weeks ago where I got a weekly notification on my iPhone about my Screen Time usage. The day before, my wife and I just finished watching The Social Dilemma on Netflix, which showcases the addictive nature of Social Media apps. So naturally, I decided to take a look at my stats to … Read more

Breaking Down Complicated Tasks vs Summarizing Exploratory Tasks

It’s common advice within the Getting Things Done philosophy to suggest breaking down complicated tasks into smaller pieces. This is generally good advice because when a task is too broad, it becomes easy to defer and harder to complete. By breaking down a complicated task into smaller pieces, each sub-task is easier to understand and … Read more

Balancing Simplicity and Utility in your Task Manager

I’ve tried many task managers, including OmniFocus, Things, and Apple Reminders. I’ve found that with a task manager, it can be easy to overcomplicate how you manage and prioritize your tasks. There is an infinite number of contexts, folders, projects, areas, tags, and perspectives you can add to your setup. All of this over-complication creates … Read more

Stop “Thinking Out Loud” in your Emails

Many don’t take the opportunity to write. Write for oneself, write ideas for personal notes, journal, or even publish. And writing is a great medium to think through and solve problems in your head. Because many don’t take the opportunity to write, the only writing one does is through email. One reason I’ve found people … Read more